Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Little About Me

Some of you know exactly who I am, and some of you have no idea.

I will tell you a little about myself, otherwise you will have no idea where I am coming from.

I am 26. I have a beautiful wife (who we will call Mrs. Smart). We just purchased our first home in Tennessee and are still getting use to homeownership. I am a Pharmacy student and my wife is a Nurse, so medical topics are normal conversation at our house.

I am a conservative Christian. Most of my views on religion are typical of my church, some of them are not. I tend to view my bible as somewhere between the world's best novel and a text book. I do not, however, spend as much time with it as I should.

I am a Geek, Nerd, and Dork in significant and probably equal quantities.  I like science fiction and fantasy.  I love Shark Week. I still play more video games than I should.  I am also outdoorsy when I want to be.  I am an Eagle Scout, and many of the interests I picked up as a Boy Scout remain with me today. I have recently discovered that I love guns and target shooting, but that hobby is a little too expensive for me to spend much time with it right now.  I enjoy photography, but it is not something I am good enough at yet to share.

Everything else you will just have to find out as we go along.

Greetings and Salutations!

So, Why did I decide to write a blog?
Honestly, I am not really sure. I think some of it is probably boredom. Maybe there is also a desire to record my thoughts about various subjects. At any rate, here we are. My intention is to cover a variety of topics in a way that is both interesting and intelligent. Sometimes, there might be something that I just find funny. Topics might include Religion and Spirituality, Pharmacy, Scouting and the Outdoors, and anything else I can think of to talk about.

So, Why "American Smart?"
So often when we talk about someone being "smart" we mean one specific thing. Usually it is "Book Smart." When we say someone is "smart" we usually mean that they know a lot of information. I think "Smart" is really about thinking a certain way. Sometimes that means being good at remembering information. It could also be good a analyzing a situation, being perceptive to others situations, or looking at something a new way. Smart is about taking in the information coming into your brain, breaking it apart, and applying it effectively. Smart can look so many different ways because people all take in different information and break it into different pieces. My brain is good a scientific data. Someone else's brain might be good at music, or the artistic application of the English language, or other people's unspoken expressions, or mechanical doohickeys. So, lets look at life in a way so that we can apply our "smart" to each and every action and learn from others who's "smart" might be different from ours.